By any chance, if you earned or got 1 Crore Rupees by luck, It can be through winning a Lottery ticket, earning from a side hustle, selling something, etc. You can follow this suggestion that I am going to share

If you invest Rs 30 lakhs in a mutual fund that offers a 14% annual return, which is the minimum return that a mutual fund gives, you can expect your investment to grow to approximately ₹1,11,21,663.94 after 10 years.

If you make a good stock portfolio by the combination of large-cap, Mid-cap, and Small-cap of 10 lakhs rupees, and it’s giving you an average annual return of 25%, which you can get easily, after 5 years, your portfolio value will be 30,52,000 rupees.

If you have invested 20 lakhs (2 million) rupees in a Fixed Deposit (FD) that earns a fixed annual return of 7%, after 5 years, the amount accumulated will be 28,05,100 rupees.